A month into the Safer-At-Home order, and before the BLM Protests erupt, a Detective from the LAPD ACU “Abuse Child Unit” presents a gift to a child celebrating her 3rd birthday just next door to a crime scene. ACU detectives travel with toys to comfort victims and family members that are either donated or they buy themselves.
The Detectives of the ACU unit are a special group. Many transfer out because it is difficult to see the child abuse and infant deaths that they investigate day in and day out. But those that have been with the unit long-term, remain because of how important they feel the work is, and the case success rate.
This was a really uplifting moment after the ACU team had spent hours at a very sad investigation. I had been watching the girl outside the window of the crimes scene with her birthday balloons as she had a social distancing birthday party with her family… I was hoping to get a photo. When we left the scene, the Detectives had noticed the celebration too and this moment happened. Afterwards the birthday girl and her slightly older brother wanted photos posed with the Detective.
Side note: I did not post this photo back in April due to the process of releases and permissions. Because these photos are not actually part of an investigation, there are no conflicts.
You can learn more about the LAPD Child Protection Section of the Juvenile Division and the ACU “Abuse Child Unit here: http://www.lapdonline.org/juvenile_division/content_basic_view/2007
COVID-19 Pandemic… APRIL 20, 2020
Photo © Jennifer Emery
#Pandemic, #COVID19, #LAPD, #ACU, #police, #saferathome, #losangeles